151. A concrete having a slump of 70 mm is termed as
- Plastic
- Dry
- Flowing
- None of the above
152. M10 grade of concrete approximates
- 1 : 1 : 2 mix
- 1 : 3 : 6 mix
- 1 : 15 : 3 mix
- 1 : 2 : 4 mix
153. To make one cubic meter of 1:2:4 by volume concrete, the volume of coarse aggregate required is
- 0.95 m3
- 0.85 m3
- 0.75 m3
- 0.65 m3
154. Reducing water/cement ratio in concrete during manufacture results in
- increase in 28 days compressive strength
- decrease in 28 days compressive strength
- no change in 28 days compressive strength
- significant increase in tensile strength
155. Super-plasticizers are
- additives applied to bitumen to achieve a low melting point
- water-reducing admixtures for concrete
- additives applied to bitumen to improve its viscosity
- accelerating admixtures
156. The slump recommended for mass concrete about
- 50 mm to 100 mm
- 25 mm to 75 mm
- 100 mm to 125 mm
- none of these
157. Compaction factor of 0.85 indicates a mix of
- low workability
- high workability
- very low workability
- none of the above
158. Workability of concrete is influenced most by its
- cement content
- aggregate cement ratio
- water-cement ratio
- none of the above
159. Abnormal and premature hardening within few minutes of water mixing is a phenomenon known as
- Flocs
- False set
- Flocculation
- None of the above
160. The value of pulse velocity of good quality concrete should be
- more than 3.5 km/s
- less than 3.5 km/s
- less than 2.0 km/s
- none of the above