Air Pollution MCQ – Environmental Engineering

121. In urban air pollution, the most poisonous gas is supposed to be carbon monoxide. It is hazardous because it

  1. causes blindness
  2. combines with hemoglobin
  3. is carcinogenic in nature
  4. affects our sense of smell
Answer. b

122. Which of the following air pollutants is/are responsible for photochemical smog?

  1. Oxides of nitrogen
  2. Ozone
  3. Unburned hydrocarbons
  4. Carbon monoxide

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

  1. i alone
  2. ii, iii and iv
  3. i, iii and iv
  4. i and iv
Answer. c

123. The concentration of dust particles of the size 0.5 to 5 microns adjacent to the working face should not be more than

  1. 450 particles/cm3
  2. 350 particles/cm3
  3. 250 particles/cm3
  4. 150 particles/cm3
Answer. a

124. As per Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) Air Quality Index for satisfactory condition is in the range of

  1. 201 to 300
  2. 301 to 400
  3. 51 to 100
  4. 101 to 200
Answer. c

125. Which one the following Acts/Rules has a provision for ‘No right to appeal’?

  1. The Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989
  2. Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
  3. Environment (Protection) Act, 1992
  4. Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989
Answer. b

126. Carbon monoxide is hazardous to health because

  1. It causes loss of sense of smell
  2. It is carcinogenic in nature
  3. It reduces oxygen carrying capacity of blood
  4. It may cause conjunctivitis
Answer. c

127. When Environmental Lapse Rate (ELR) is greater than the dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate (ALR) the atmosphere is said to be

  1. Inversion
  2. Super – adiabatic
  3. Sub – adiabatic
  4. None of the above
Answer. b

128. Fresh air is required to be supplied to an occupied hall at a rate of

  1. 5-10 m3/hr/person
  2. 15-30 m3/hr/person
  3. 40-50 m3/hr/person
  4. 50-70 m3/hr/person
Answer. b

129. Carbon monoxide concentration of 9 ppm at 20°C and 1 atm pressure is equivalent to nearly

  1. 10 mg/L
  2. 1 mg/L
  3. 1000 mg/L
  4. 100 mg/L
Answer. a

130. The maximum damage to the Taj Mahal is because of the gas

  1. CO2
  2. CO
  3. SO2
  4. All of the above
Answer. c