21. The thickness of flexible pavement with wheel load of 4080 kg subgrade support at 2180 kg and base course constant as 86 comes to (as per Mc-loid formula)
- 40 cm
- 30 cm
- 24 cm
- 12 cm
22. Prime coat is provided to promote adhesion between
- subgrade and base
- granular course and bituminous course
- binder course and wearing course
- existing and new wearing course
23. Which one of the following cracking failure is not generally observed in flexible pavement?
- Longitudinal
- Warping
- Map
- Reflection
24. In a rigid pavement, most critical location is
- Interior
- Edge
- Corner
- All of the above
25. For transfer of load from one slab to another at any joint of a rigid pavement the bar used is called
- Dowel bar
- Tie bar
- Distribution bar
- Hanger bar
26. Geosynthetics is used in pavement construction for
- reinforcement
- separation
- drainage and filtration
- all of the above
27. Bottom most component of a filexible pavement is
- sub-base
- sub-grade
- base course
- base
28. Newly constructed pavement with ordinary Portland cement attains its working strength after
- 14 days
- 7 days
- 28 days
- 21 days
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