Road Maintenance and Repair MCQ – Highway Engineering

16. Asphalt concrete is a mix comprising of

  1. Fine aggregate, mineral filler, and bitumen
  2. Fine aggregate and bitumen
  3. Coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, mineral filler, and bitumen
  4. Coarse aggregate, mineral filler, and bitumen
Answer. c

17. The best binder material for stone aggregate, in patch repair work during rainy season, with heavy traffic is

  1. hot bitumen
  2. clayey soil
  3. bituminous emulsion
  4. none of these
Answer. c

18. The loosening of wearing surface of road under the action of traffic or weather, associated with failure of binding agent to keep the surface consolidated is called

  1. fluxing
  2. dragging
  3. fretting
  4. dressing
Answer. c

19. Which of the following is NOT a functional distress in rigid pavements?

  1. Structural cracking
  2. Roughness
  3. Ravelling
  4. Spalling
Answer. c

20. The phenomena in which, the segregation of bitumen and aggregates takes place in the presence of moisture is called

  1. streaking
  2. slippage
  3. stripping
  4. rutting
Answer. c

21. One of the major causes of rutting on flexible pavement is

  1. excessive stripping of binder material from wearing course
  2. use of flaky aggregates in the wearing course
  3. inadequate compaction of pavement layers
  4. high wind speed
Answer. c

22. In the context of the Marshall test, consider the following statements.

Statement-1: Stability of the mix is the maximum load which the bituminous mix can sustain.
Statement-2: Flow of the mix is defined as the deformation at maximum load.

Which of the following is CORRECT?

  1. Compressive strength using a cylinder.
  2. Flexural strength using a cube
  3. Compressive strength using a cube
  4. Tensile strength using a cylinder
Answer. a