Frequency Domain Analysis – Advantages

Frequency Response The Frequency Response of the system is the steady-state response of the system obtained as the output when a sinusoidal input signal is given to the system. For determining the frequency response of a control system sinusoidal signal is given as input to the system with different frequencies and response of the output … Read more

Eddy Current

We have seen that whenever the flux, linking with a closed electric circuit changes, an EMF has induced in the circuit and a current flow, the value of which depends on the emf around the circuit and the resistance of the circuit. It is not necessary that the circuit be a wire and that the … Read more

Why is transformer rated in kVA and not in kW?

The power rating of a transformer or any electric machines indicates the maximum value of voltage and current it can carry without over-heating. Power = Voltage(V) × Current(A) × Power factor As transformer is considered as a power source while the induction motor is considered as a load. Manufacturers of Transformers cannot predict the power … Read more

Difference Between Ground and Neutral

Ground or earth in a main (AC power) electrical wiring system is a conductor that exists primarily to help protect against faults and which in normal operation does not carry current. Neutral is a circuit conductor that may carry current in normal operation, and which is usually connected to earth. In-house wiring, it is the … Read more

Proportional (P), Integral (I), Derivative (D) Controllers Usage Conditions

1. When does the Proportional (P) Controller is used? Answer. Proportional (P) Controller is used during the following conditions: Load Changes are small Offset (error exist due to difference between steady state value and desired value) can be tolerated. The process reaction rate is such as to permit a narrow proportional band. Since this reduces … Read more

Circuit Breakers

Question: What is a Circuit Breaker? Answer. Circuit Breaker is a mechanical device designed to close or open contact members, thus closing or opening an electrical circuit under the normal or abnormal conditions. Question: How does a Circuit Breaker different from Switch? Answer. A switch is just a device when can be able to open and close … Read more