Economics of Power Generation MCQs

21. The maximum demand of a consumer is 2 KW and the corresponding daily energy consumption is 30 units. The load factor is

  1. 5%
  2. 50%
  3. 62.5%
  4. 75%

Answer. c

22. In order to have a lower cost of electrical energy generation,

  1. the load factor and diversity factor should be high.
  2. the load factor and diversity factor should be low.
  3. the load factor should be low but the diversity factor should be high.
  4. the load factor should be high but the diversity factor should be low.

Answer. a

23. The product of demand factor and load factor is

  1. average load/maximum demand
  2. connected load/average load
  3. connected load/maximum demand
  4. average load/connected load

Answer. d

24. In a load curve, the highest point represents the

  1. average load
  2. base load
  3. diversified load
  4. peak load

Answer. d

25. Which factor is a ratio of the sum of the individual maximum demands of the various subsystems of a system to the maximum demand of the whole system?

  1. capacity factor
  2. Diversity factor
  3. Demand factor
  4. Load factor

Answer. b

26. Find out the average monthly load factor


Reading obtained for 1 month = 30 days

kWH drawn per month = 386540

maximum demand = 1500 kW

  1. 35%
  2. 45%
  3. 55%
  4. 65%

Answer. a

27. Base load of a power station stands for?

  1. 12-24 hours/day
  2. 2-4 hours/day
  3. 8-12 hours/day
  4. 4-8 hours/day

Answer. a

28. The knowledge of diversity factor helps in computing

  1. plant capacity
  2. average load
  3. units generated
  4. peak demand

Answer. d

29. The connected load of a consumer is 2 kW and his maximum demand is 1.5 kW. The demand factor of the consumer is

  1. 0.75
  2. 0.375
  3. 1.33
  4. 1

Answer. a

30. The value of demand factor is

  1. less than one
  2. greater than one
  3. equal to one
  4. zero

Answer. a