Rocks MCQ – Building Materials

1. Which of these rocks would have alumina as their component?

  1. Igneous
  2. Calcareous
  3. Argillaceous
  4. Siliceous
Answer. c

2. Thin tabular bodies of magma which essentially penetrate parallel to the bedding planes of foliations of the country rocks is known as

  1. Dykes
  2. Laccoliths
  3. Sills
  4. Lopoliths
Answer. c

3. Shale is an example of

  1. Argillaceous rocks
  2. Rudaceous rocks
  3. Arenaceous rocks
  4. None of the above
Answer. a

4. Sandstone is a

  1. Sedimentary rock
  2. Aqueous rock
  3. Silicious rock

The correct answer is

  1. only i
  2. both i and ii
  3. both i and iii
  4. all of the above
Answer. d

5. In ‘mafic’ type of igneous rocks, the percentage of silica is

  1. 60 – 70%
  2. 45 – 60%
  3. 45 – 55%
  4. < 45%
Answer. c

6. Which kind of stone is marble?

  1. Artificial rock
  2. Metamorphic rock
  3. Sedimentary rock
  4. Igneous rock
Answer. b

7. What is the amount of explosive required to fracture a unit volume of rock called

  1. powder factor
  2. specific yield
  3. explosive factor
  4. stiffness factor
Answer. a

8. Granite is an example of

  1. Igneous rock
  2. Metamorphic rock
  3. Sedimentary rock
  4. Aqueous rock
Answer. a

9. Which of the following is not an intrusive igneous rock?

  1. diorite
  2. gabbro
  3. basalt
  4. granite
Answer. c

10. Surface of erosion or non-deposition that separates the younger rock formations from the older rock formations is called

  1. Joints
  2. Faults
  3. Folds
  4. Unconformity
Answer. d

11. Petrology deals with the study of

  1. characteristics of petroleum products
  2. structure of earth
  3. origin and characteristics of rocks
  4. minerals
Answer. c

12. Granite, after metamorphism transforms to

  1. Quartzite
  2. Gneiss
  3. Schist
  4. Slate
Answer. b

13. Slate is formed by metamorphic action on

  1. Shale
  2. Lime stone
  3. Sand stone
  4. Granite
Answer. a

14. Cleavage is a mode of folding:

  1. It is a process wherein all internal movements are along shear planes which do not change their position during the entire process.
  2. It is a process wherein all internal movements are along shear planes which change their position during the process.
  3. The process involves dilation in the vertical direction.
  4. The process involves compression in a lateral direction.

Which of the above statements are correct?

  1. i, ii and iii only
  2. i, iii and iv only
  3. i, ii and iv only
  4. ii, iii and iv only
Answer. d

15. Which rock is generally used for roofing?

  1. Granite
  2. Slate
  3. Basalt
  4. Pumice
Answer. b

16. Which of the following is sedimentary rock?

  1. Sand stone
  2. Limestone
  3. Coal
  4. All of the above
Answer. d

17. Rocks behave as ________ masses towards operating stresses.

  1. inelastic
  2. elastic
  3. anisotropic
  4. isotropic
Answer. b

18. Rocks like Basalt, Granite without fissures are examples of

  1. Aquitard
  2. Aquifer
  3. Aquifuge
  4. Aquiclude
Answer. c

19. Maximum bearing capacity can be expected from

  1. Laminated rocks
  2. Compact coarse sand
  3. Soft rock
  4. Granite rocks
Answer. d

20. Which of the following is not ideal as foundation of Dams as it is prone to dissolution and results in formation of cavities?

  1. Granite
  2. Limestones
  3. Dolerites
  4. Sandstones
Answer. b