41. Loading of a cable is done to
- Increase its inductance
- Increase its leakage resistance
- Decrease its leakage resistance
- Achieve distortionless condition
- 1, 3 and 4
- 1 and 3
- 2 and 4 only
- 1 and 4 only
42. For LV applications (below 1 KV) ______ cables are used.
- Plastic
- Paper insulated
- Oil-filled
- Single-core
43. An overhead line having a surge impedance of 400 ohms is connected in series with an underground cable having a surge impedance of 100 ohms. If the surge of 50 kV travels from the line towards the cable junctions, the value of transmitted voltage wave at the junction is
- 30 kV
- 20 kV
- 80 kV
- −30 kV
44. The attenuation and propagation constants are applicable to
- Both underground cables and transmission lines
- Only transmission lines
- Only underground cables
- Neither transmission lines not underground cables
45. What is the main drawback of the underground transmission system compared to the overhead transmission system?
- Exposure to lightning
- Heavy initial cost
- Exposure to atmospheric hazards such as smoke, ice, wind
- Induction interference between power and communication circuits
46. Impregnated paper is used in an insulator
- In between the armature stamping
- High voltage cables
- Commutator
- H.T. line
47. Cables in the power transmission line are provided with inter sheaths to
- Minimize charging current
- Minimize stress
- Provide uniform stress distribution
- Minimize high voltage
48. The insulation resistance of a cable of length 10 km is 1Mohm. For a length of 100 km of the same cable, the insulation resistance will be
- 1 Mohm
- 10 Mohm
- 0.1 Mohm
- 0.01 Mohm
49. The minimum permissible size of the aluminium cable for lightning circuits is ________
- 1.1 sq.mm
- 1.5 sq.mm
- 2.4 sq.mm
- 3.6 sq.mm
50. The maximum value of potential gradient in a cable occurs in
- Conductor
- Insulation
- Outer sheath
- None of these