Ionization Chamber | Working

The ionization chamber is used for detecting nuclear radiations. It is similar to Geiger Muller Tube as we discussed in the previous article. There is also another type of radiation detector i.e. scintillation counter that we have discussed in another article. The ionization chamber consists of a metal cylinder (acts as a cathode) sealed at … Read more

Magneto-Elastic | Magneto-Strictive Transducers

Magneto-Strictive Transducers A magneto-striction transducer is a device that is used to convert mechanical energy into magnetic energy and vice versa. A change in mechanical stress of a ferromagnetic material causes its permeability to change. This phenomenon is called as Joule effect. The reverse process of Joule effect is called as magneto-striction or Villari effect. … Read more

MATLAB program for Resistance of the RTD

Write a MATLAB program which should include a prompt for entering the temperature finding out the resistance of the RTD (Resistance temperature detector) for the entered from the given data. performing linearization about the entered temperature point. Program %Program Code for finding Resistance of the RTD %provided by clc clear all p=[90:5:130]; q=1.1*p+470; r=[85:0.1:135]; s=1.1*r+470; … Read more

Basic Terms Related to Battery

Battery Cell A cell is the smallest, packaged form a battery can take and is generally on the order of one to six volts. Battery Modules A module consists of several cells generally connected in either series or parallel. Battery Packs A battery pack is the assembled by connecting modules together, again either in series … Read more

Servomechanism | Servomotor & Applications

Servomechanism It is a feedback control system in which a controlled variable or the output is a mechanical position or its time derivatives like velocity and acceleration. Servomotors have two main classifications based on servomechanism i.e. 1. DC Servomotors Armature controlled DC motor Field Controlled DC motor 2. AC Servomotors 1. DC Servomotors DC ServoMotor … Read more

Signal Flow Graph

In case of block diagram reduction diagram, there is no standard procedure for reducing the block diagram to evaluate its transfer function. Also, the block diagram reduction technique is tedious and is difficult to choose the rules to be applied for reduction. In order to avoid such problems, the block diagram is converted to signal … Read more

State Space Representation of a System

The control system analysis fails for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems and the systems initially not at rest by using transfer function approach. The use of the state-space approach for the analysis of control systems enables to overcome the shortcomings of the transfer function approach. State The state of a dynamic system is the smallest state of variables … Read more

Mechanical Electrical Analogy

Mechanical Electrical Analogy The concept of an analogous system is very useful in practice. Since one type of system may be easier to handle experimentally than other. A given electrical system consisting of resistance, inductance and capacitance may be analogous to the mechanical system consisting of a suitable combination of dashpot, mass, and spring. Analogous System … Read more

Unsupervised Learning

A cluster is comprised of a number of similar feature vectors group together. If there are ‘d‘ features used to describe the data, a cluster can be described as a region in d-dimensional space containing a relatively high density of points separated from other such reasons regions by regions containing a relatively low density of … Read more