21. In practice, earth is chosen as a place of zero electric potential because it
- is non-conducting
- is easily available reference
- keeps losing and gaining electric charge everyday
- has almost constant potential
22. Third pin in a 3-pin plug is provided so as to
- Provide an earth connection
- Provide a 3-phase supply when required
- Provide a spare phase when required
- Prevent the plug being reversed in the socket
23. Resistivity of earth increases sharply when moisture falls below
- 60%
- 40%
- 20%
- 10%
24. What is the diameter of the GI pipe through which the earth wire needs to be taken to?
- 13 mm diameter
- 15 mm diameter
- 19 mm diameter
- 6 mm diameter
25. What should be the value of earthing resistance for large power stations?
- 1 Ω
- 0.5 Ω
- 2 Ω
- 5 Ω
26. What type of earthing is used by transmission lines?
- Plate earthing
- Rod earthing
- Strip earthing
- Both plate and strip earthing
27. Which type of earthing is also called as ‘fire earthing’?
- plate earthing
- rod earthing
- strip earthing
- only i
- only ii
- only iii
- i, ii and iii
28. What is the dimension of the copper strips used for the strip earthing?
- 25 mm x 4 mm
- 25 mm x 3 mm
- 30 mm x 4 mm
- 30 mm x 3 mm
29. In the earthed neutral system, the magnitude of transient voltage is
- Zero
- Very small
- Medium
- Very high
30. Risk of Broken neutral is maximum in _________ earthing system.
- TT
- IT
- TN-S
- TN-C