Comparison of Thyristor, MOSFET & IGBT Devices


S.No. Characterisitics Thyristor MOSFET IGBT
1. Type of Device Minority carrier Majority carrier Minority carrier
2. Rating very high Voltage, very high Current Medium Voltage, high Current high Voltage, high Current
3. Switching frequency low very high (~ MHz) high (~ 100kHz)
4. On-state drop low higher (increasing) low
5. On-state losses low considerable less than MOSFET
6. Gate Drive Current driven Voltage driven Voltage driven
7. Driven by Single pulse Continous voltage and large IG at switching transition (else more switching time & more switching losses) Continous voltage and large IG at switching transition (else more switching time & more switching losses)
8. Turn-off Line or forced commutation gate commutation gate commutation
9. Combination (series) by voltage equaling circuit difficult difficult
10. Combination (parallel) by current equaling circuit very easy difficult
11. Reliability Most Robust Less Robust Robust
12. Breakdown No second breakdown less chance of second breakdown No second breakdown
13. Sensitiveness (temperature) Less sensitive sensitive more sensitive
14. Thermal Runaway yes No Yes


1 thought on “Comparison of Thyristor, MOSFET & IGBT Devices”

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