Coulomb’s Law – Definition

Coulomb’s law allows us to calculate the electrostatic force acting between two electric charges. Force can be repulsive or attractive depending upon the type of electric charge. There is a force of repulsion if both are like charges. There is a force of attraction if both are unlike charges. We can experimentally verify this law. … Read more

Difference between Electric Potential and Potential Difference

Electric potential and potential difference are two different things. The main difference between electric potential and potential difference is that electric potential is defined at a point whereas the potential difference is defined between two points. Let see in detail the differences based upon definition, formula, unit, etc. Difference between Electric Potential and Potential Difference … Read more

Difference between Proton and Neutron

Proton and neutron are the particles that are found at the center of an atom and both particles comprise the nucleus. Apart from electrons, protons and neutrons form the nucleus of an atom. In this article, we will discuss what is the difference between proton and neutron. Difference between Proton and Neutron in tabular form … Read more

Screw Gauge – Working & Diagram

The screw gauge is an instrument used for measuring accurately the diameter of a thin wire or the thickness of a sheet of metal. It was invented by William Gascoigne. It consists of a U-shaped frame fitted with a screwed spindle which is attached to a thimble. A screw gauge is as shown in figure … Read more

Vernier Callipers and Least Count

Vernier calliper is a precision instrument used to measure internal and external distances accurately upto (1/10)th of a millimetre. The vernier calliper is as shown in the figure 1. Vernier Constant (VC): It is the difference between values of one main scale division and one vernier scale division of vernier callipers. Let n vernier scale … Read more

Significant Figures Rules

The number of digits in the measured value which include certain digits plus one uncertain (doubtful) digit are known as significant figures. In this article we will learn Significant Figures Rules and their examples. Rules for Counting the Significant Figures Rule 1: All non-zero digits are significant. Rule 2: All zeros occurring between the non-zero digits … Read more

Bohr Atomic Model – Postulates

Neil Bohr, a danish physicist, proposed the Bohr atomic model in 1913. Bohr modified the problems and limitations associated with Rutherford’s model of an atom. Neil Bohr made postulates using Planck’s quantum theory. Postulates of the Bohr Atomic Model 1. The atom has a massively positively charged nucleus. 2. Electrons revolve around the nucleus in a fixed circular path called … Read more

Radioactivity – Definition, Types & Uses

Radioactivity Definition The phenomenon of spontaneous emission of radiations by heavy elements is called radioactivity. The elements which show this phenomenon is called radioactive elements. Radioactivity was discovered accidentally by Antoine Henri Becquerel in 1896. α-particle: It is called as alpha particle. It is a helium nucleus having two protons and two neutrons ( ). β-particle: It … Read more