Buoyancy and Floatation MCQ – Fluid Mechanics

21. The metacentric height is the distance between the

  1. centre of gravity of the floating body and the centre of buoyancy
  2. centre of gravity of the floating body and the metacentre
  3. metacentre and the centre of buoyancy
  4. original centre of buoyancy and new centre of buoyancy
Answer. b

22. For a body completely submerged in a fluid, the centre of gravity (G) and centre of Buoyancy (O) are known. The body is said to be in stable equilibrium, if

  1. O does not coincides with centre of mass of the displaced fluid
  2. G coincides with centre of mass of the displaced fluid
  3. O lies above G
  4. O lies below G
Answer. c

23. For the floating body, the buoyant force passes through the

  1. Center of gravity of the body
  2. Center of gravity of the submerged part of the body
  3. Centroid of the liquid displaced by the body
  4. Meta-Center of the body
Answer. c

24. The meta centric height of a floating body

  1. is the distance between the meta centre of buoyancy
  2. is the distance between the meta centre and centre of gravity
  3. does not control the stability of a floating body
  4. is the same about longitudinal and transverse axis
Answer. b

25. Stability of a completely submerged body is normally determined by considering

  1. Centre of gravity and metacentre
  2. Centre of buoyancy and centre of gravity
  3. Centre of buoyancy and metacentre
  4. Centre of gravity, metacentre and centre of buoyancy
Answer. b

26. A point through which the force of buoyancy is supposed to act.

  1. Centre of buoyancy
  2. Metacentric height
  3. Buoyancy
  4. Metacenter
Answer. a

27. A stable submerged body has

  1. centre of gravity below centre of buoyancy
  2. centre of gravity below metacentre
  3. centre of gravity above centre of buoyancy
  4. centre of gravity above metacentre
Answer. a

28. The line of action of the buoyant force acts through the

  1. centroid of the volume of any floating body
  2. centroid of the displaced volume of fluid
  3. centroid of the horizontal projection of the body
  4. centre of gravity of any submerged body
Answer. b

29. The centre of buoyancy of a submerged body

  1. coincides with the centre of gravity of the body
  2. coincides with the centroid of the displaced volume of the fluid
  3. is always below the centre of gravity of the body
  4. is always above the centroid of the displaced volume of the liquid
Answer. b

30. If a body floating in a liquid returns back to its original position, when given a small angular displacement, the body is said to be in

  1. neutral equilibrium
  2. stable equilibrium
  3. unstable equilibrium
  4. all of the above options
  5. none of the above options
Answer. b