14 Types of Test Instruments Used to Test Electronic Equipment

Utilizing test equipment and instruments to test electronic equipment is vital to ensuring that the equipment functions well. These tools are critical to developing, designing, and producing effective electronic equipment. Electronic equipment can sometimes fail due to age or not being made properly, so test tools can ensure it’s ready to sell or is still … Read more

Non Conventional Sources of Energy – Examples, Advantages and Disadvantages

Non Conventional Sources of Energy are those resources that were considered for use at scale after the 1973 oil crisis. For example, wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, tidal, etc. These sources of energy produce no or less pollution. These sources are generally renewable in nature. Hydro is not considered a non-conventional source of energy. Although it … Read more

Advantages and Disadvantages of Multilevel Inverter

In recent years, multilevel inverters have grown in popularity in medium and high-power applications. There are several advantages of multilevel inverters over two-level inverters, such as higher quality output, lower device rating, etc. In this article, we will learn what are the advantages and disadvantages of multilevel inverter. What are multilevel inverters? A multilevel inverter … Read more