16. The binary number for F7A916 is
- 1111011110101001
- 1110111110101001
- 1111111010110001
- 1111011010101001
17. The BCD number for decimal 473 is
- 111011010
- 110001110011
- 010001110011
- 010011110011
18. The code that has an even-parity error is
- 1010011
- 1101000
- 1001000
- 1110111
19. The binary equivalent of (11.6275)10 is
- 101.11011
- 1011.1011
- 101.0011
- 1011.0011
20. Multiplication of two binary numbers 011 and 110 is
- 10010
- 11001
- 11100
- 01110