Hydropower Engineering MCQ

31. The amount of electrical energy that can be generated by a hydroelectric power plant depends upon

  1. head of water
  2. quantity of water
  3. specific weight of water
  4. efficiency of alternator
Answer. a

32. A graph between the pressure head in the cylinder and the distance traveled by the piston from inner dead centre for one complete revolution of crank is known as

  1. Crank diagram
  2. Slip diagram
  3. Indicator diagram
  4. Polar diagram
Answer. c

33. The distance from the centre of a pumped well to the point, where the drawdown is zero or is inappreciable, is known as

  1. piezometric surface
  2. radius of influence
  3. cone of pressure
  4. drawdown
Answer. b

34. A Surge tank is provided in hydropower schemes to

  1. strengthen the penstocks
  2. reduce water hammer pressure
  3. reduce frictional losses in the system
  4. increase the net head
Answer. b

35. The difference between theoretical discharge and actual discharge of pump is known as

  1. slip of pump
  2. gap of discharge
  3. suction gap
  4. none of these
Answer. a

36. A new design of a valve is to be tested if liquid benzene through the valve, which of the following parameters is most important.

  1. Reynolds No.
  2. Froude No.
  3. Euler No.
  4. Mach No.
Answer. a

37. Small hydroelectric project generated power

  1. < 100 MW
  2. < 25 MW
  3. < 1000 MW
  4. < 550 MW
Answer. b

38. The ratio of the peak load to the installed capacity of the plant is known as

  1. Load factor
  2. Plant factor
  3. Utilization factor
  4. All the options are correct
Answer. c

39. The underground power houses are found to be more economical than an equivalent surface power station due to

  1. low temperature
  2. low noise pollution
  3. less the amount of concrete is required compared to a surface power
  4. better foundation condition
Answer. c

40. The width of launching apron is generally equal to

  1. 1.5 D
  2. 2.0 D
  3. 0.9 D
  4. 3.0 D

where D is depth of scour

Answer. a