31. For the grounding of an entire substation
- Counterpoises are used
- Grounding rods are used
- Grounding mats are used
- Peterson coil is used
32. Power system protection is provided so that
- Information is relayed
- Faults are prevented
- Damage subsequent to faults is mitigated
- Economic operation of power system is achieved
33. Reactance relays are generally deployed for the phase faults in
- Short lines
- Medium lines
- Long lines
The correct amongst the given is
- only 1 and 2
- only 2 and 3
- none
- only 1
34. In terms of relays, IDMT relays stands for
- Inverse direct maximum time lag
- Inverse definite maximum time lag
- Inverse definite maximum time lag
- None of these
35. The most efficient torque producing actuating structure for an induction-type relay is
- Shaded pole structure
- Watt-hour meter structure
- Induction-cup structure
- Single-induction loop structure
36. The induction cup structure is used in the
- Differential relays
- I.D.M.T. relays
- Time delay relays
- Mho relays
37. A pitot relay is used for
- High-speed tripping
- Delayed tripping
- Preset tripping
- No tripping
38. Impedance relay is used on ……… on transmission lines.
- Short
- Medium
- Long
- All
39. If the fault current is 2000A, the relay setting is 50% and CT ratio is 400 : 5, then plug setting multiplier will be
- 25 A
- 15 A
- 50 A
- 10 A
40. For complete protection of a 3 phase line
- Three-phase and three earth fault relays are required.
- Three-phase and two earth fault relays are required.
- Two-phase and two earth fault relays are required.
- Two-phase and one earth fault relays are required.