MATLAB Program for Plotting Two sine waves Connected Together

MATLAB Program for plotting Two sine waves connected together, one of which has twice the frequency of other. Program %Two sine waves connected together,one of which has twice the frequency of other %provided by clc clear all fr= input(‘Enter frequency in Hz:’); stptime = input(‘Enter Stop time in Second:’); frad = 2*pi*fr; t = … Read more

MATLAB Program for Drawing two circles one having radius twice the other

Using Matlab Draw two sine waves connected together, one of which has twice the frequency of other. Program %Program Code for Drawing two circles one having radius twice the other %provided by clc clear all x=input(‘Enter x-cordinate of center of circle:’); y=input(‘Enter y-cordinate of center of circle:’); r=input(‘Enter radius of circle:’); ang=0:0.01:2*pi; xp=r*cos(ang); yp=r*sin(ang); … Read more

Modulation & Demodulation

Modulation The term modulation means ‘to change‘ or ‘to modify‘. Modulation is the process of transmission of the information signal (low-frequency audio signal) using a high-frequency carrier signal. Modulation is the basic requirement for transmitting the message signal through free space.  Modulating Signal The information bearing signal is called the modulating signal. Modulated signal The signal … Read more

Amplitude Modulation – Applications & Advantages

Amplitude Modulation(AM) The process of varying amplitude of the high-frequency or carrier wave in accordance with the intelligence (code, voice or music) to be transmitted, keeping the frequency and phase of the carrier wave unchanged, is known as the amplitude modulation. Modulating Signal The information bearing signal is called modulating signal. Modulated signal The signal … Read more

Difference Between Moving Coil & Moving Iron Instruments

The comparison between Moving Coil & Moving Iron Instruments is given in the table below. S.No. Moving Coil Instruments Moving Iron Instruments 1. It works on the principle of DC motor. It works on the principles of magnetism. 2. Deflection torque is proportional to current. Deflection torque is proportional to the square of the current. 3. Damping is provided … Read more

Vacuum Tube Voltmeter (VTVM)

Q. What is VTVM? Answer. VTVM is a vacuum tube voltmeter. It makes the use of vacuum tube(s) as an active device. Q. Enlist the types of VTVMs? Answer. Average reading, peak reading, slide back, logarithmic, balanced Bridge and electrometer VTVMs are the different types of VTVM. Q. Enlist TVMs. Answer. 1. TVM with cascaded transistor. … Read more

Kohonen Self Organizing Maps | Algorithm & Advanatges

Self Organizing Maps (SOM) technique was developed in 1982 by a professor, Tuevo Kohonen. Professor Kohonen worked on auto-associative memory during the 1970s and 1980s and in 1982 he presented his self-organizing map algorithm. SOMs are named as “Self-Organizing” because no supervision is required. Self-organizing maps learn on their own through unsupervised competitive learning. They … Read more

Extended Kalman Filter – Algorithm & Applications

In the previous article, we had learned about Kalman filter. As Kalman filter assumes linear system but finds greatest applications in non-linear systems. Kalman filter assumes an approximate solution, describe the deviations from the reference by linear equations. Kalman filter has issues of divergence also. When the error covariance matrix Pk computed by the Kalman filter … Read more

Kalman Filter | Algorithm & Applications

The Kalman filter is a recursive state space model based estimation algorithm. In other words, it is an optimal recursive data processing algorithm. Kalman filter is also called as the Predictor-Corrector algorithm. This filter is named after Rudolph E. Kalman, who in 1960 published his famous paper describing a recursive solution to the discrete data … Read more