Machine Control Instructions | 8085 Microprocessor

1. NOP   no operand Instruction word size  ⇒   1 Byte Operation ⇒ When this instruction will execute microprocessor will not perform any task. It is used for the creation of delay. Addressing Mode ⇒ Implicit Addressing Mode   2. HLT   no operand Instruction word size  ⇒   1 Byte Operation ⇒ When this instruction will execute further increment of the program counter … Read more

Software Interrupts in 8085 Microprocessor

An interrupt is a signal that alerts the processor to an urgent condition, either originating from hardware or triggered by software, necessitating immediate attention. This mechanism allows the processor to temporarily halt its current operations and address the event requiring attention. In this article, we will focus on software interrupts. The 8085 microprocessor has eight … Read more