Write a MATLAB program which should include
- a prompt for entering the temperature
- finding out the resistance of the RTD (Resistance temperature detector) for the entered from the given data.
- performing linearization about the entered temperature point.
%Program Code for finding Resistance of the RTD %provided by electricalvoice.com clc clear all p=[90:5:130]; q=1.1*p+470; r=[85:0.1:135]; s=1.1*r+470; Theta=input('Input the value of Temprature, Theta='); if(Theta<=130 && Theta>=90) R=1.1*Theta + 470 plot(Theta,R,'*');hold on; plot(p,q,'+'); hold on; plot(r,s); whitebg('red') grid on xlabel('Temperature in Degree Celcius') ylabel('Resistance in ohms') title('Temp. Vs Resistance of RTD') else disp('Theta is not in the range, please enter between 90 to 130') end