A comprehensive guide on ‘textcomp’ package in LaTeX

The textcomp package in LaTeX supports additional text symbols and special characters that are unavailable by default. It extends the range of symbols that can be used in text mode and is particularly useful when typesetting documents that require special characters or symbols. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the installation, basic usage, and some of the key features of the textcomp package.


To use the textcomp package, you must ensure it is installed on your LaTeX distribution. Most LaTeX distributions come with the package pre-installed, but if, for some reason, it’s not available, you can install it manually.

Manual Installation:

  • Download the textcomp package from CTAN: https://ctan.org/pkg/textcomp.
  • Extract the downloaded archive.
  • Copy the contents to the directory containing your LaTeX document.

Basic Usage:

To use the textcomp package in your LaTeX document, include the following line in the preamble:


Common Symbols

Currency Symbols:

The textcomp package provides commands for various currency symbols:

CurrencyLaTeX command

Miscellaneous Symbols:

SymbolLaTeX command


SymbolLaTeX command




Currency symbols: \textdollar\texteuro\textyen\textsterling\textcent

Miscellaneous symbols: \textdegree\textcelsius\textperthousand\textcopyright\textregistered\texttrademark

Arrows: \textleftarrow\textrightarrow\textuparrow\textdownarrow

Letter-like symbols: \textordfeminine\textordmasculine



Customizing Symbols

The textcomp package also allows you to customize the appearance of certain symbols using commands like \textcircled and \textacutedbl. Refer to the package documentation for more details on customization options.


The textcomp package in LaTeX is a valuable tool for typesetting documents with a wide range of symbols and special characters. By including it in your preamble, you gain access to additional text-related symbols that can enhance your documents’ visual appeal and clarity. Experiment with the provided commands and symbols to find the ones that best suit your needs.

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