Genetic Algorithm – Advantages & Disadvantages

Genetic Algorithm (GA) Genetic Algorithms are the heuristic search and optimization techniques that mimic the process of natural evolution. A genetic algorithm is a local search technique used to find approximate solutions to Optimisation and search problems. It is an efficient, and effective techniques for both optimization and machine learning applications. It is widely-used today … Read more

Meissner’s Effect and Silsbee Rule

Meissner’s Effect The repulsion of magnetic flux from the interior of a piece of superconducting material as the material undergoes to the transition to the superconducting phase is known as Meissner’s Effect. In superconductor B = 0 µo( H + M ) = 0 M = − H ……………………. (1) Also, M = χmH ……………. (2) from … Read more

Types of Superconductor Material

There are two types of superconductor materials Type-1 superconductor Type-2 superconductor Type-1 superconductor They are also called as Soft Superconductor. Their critical field and transition temperature are low. They exhibit complete Meissner’s and Silsbee rule. The change of state from normal to superconductivity and vice-versa is abrupt. Examples: Zn, Pb, Hg, Al, In, etc. Type-2 superconductor They are also called as Hard Superconductor … Read more

Insulating Materials-Properties & Types

Before selecting an insulation system for a particular application, the following properties need to be considered. Mechanical Thermal Environmental including chemical Electric Economic 1. Mechanical properties The mechanical properties considered are the tensile strength, elongation, tensile modulus, compressive modulus, impact strength etc. 2. Thermal properties Include temperature and time of exposure. In this, the important … Read more

Types of ECG

In previous, article we discussed ECG (Electrocardiogram). In this article, we will see about different types of ECG. The type of ECG monitoring depends on the frequency and severity of symptoms. There are three types of ECG monitoring i.e. resting ECG, stress ECG, and ambulatory ECG. Ambulatory ECG is divided into 3 groups i.e. Holter monitors, … Read more

Magnetic Anisotropy

In single crystal material such as iron, the magnetic properties of a material depend on the direction in which they are measured. This property of the magnetic material is called as Magnetic Anisotropy. There are three methods to induce Magnetic Anisotropy Cold Working Magnetic Annealing Magnetic Quenching 1. Cold Working such as cold rolling induced the uniaxial magnetic … Read more

Classification of Magnetic Materials

The magnetic materials are classified into 5 types Diamagnetic Material Paramagnetic Material Ferromagnetic Material Anti-ferromagnetic Material Ferri Magnetic Material 1. Diamagnetic Material These material have smaller and negative magnetic susceptibility. These material are repelled by applied magnetic field. The magnetic flux density inside diamagnetic material is zero. B = 0 µo[ H + M ] = … Read more

What is Holter Monitoring?

Holter Monitor It is a small, wearable device that records your heart rhythm. It is very similar to a mobile phone. A patient usually wears a Holter monitor for one to three days. The device will record all of your heart rhythms during that time. So, a Holter monitor test is usually performed after an ECG (electrocardiogram) … Read more