Unit, System, Dimensions and Standards

Unit The result of measurement of a physical quantity must be defined both in kind and magnitude. The standard measure of each kind of physical quantity is called a unit. Lets take an example of length. As we know that length is a physical quantity. The metre is a unit of length that represents a definite … Read more

MATLAB Program for Kalman Filter

Q. To estimate the positions and velocity of an object using Kalman Filter in MATLAB when a set of measurements and control inputs are available. Please read about Kalman Filter and Extended Kalman Filter. Program %==============================KALMAN FILTER ============================== %To estimate position ‘X’ and velocity ‘Xdot’ of a moving object when the %measurement of position ‘Y’ and … Read more

MATLAB Program to Determine State Transition Matrix

Write a MATLAB Program to determine the State Transition Matrix for Program %Program to determine the state transition matrix %provided by electricalvoice.com clc clear all %calculation of state transition matrix using inverse technique syst a=[1 4;-2 -5] phi=exmp(a*t) You can get MATLAB assignment help at AssignmentCore from a team of homework experts.

MATLAB Program to Obtain Transfer Function from Data

Q. Obtain the transfer function from the following data Program %Program to Obtain Transfer Function from Data %provided by electricalvoice.com clc clear all %obtain transfer matrix A=[-5 1;-6 0] B=[1;2] C=[2 1] D=[0] [num, den]=ss2tf(A,B,C,D) printsys(num,den) Q. Obtain the transfer function from the following data Program %Program to Obtain Transfer Function from Data %provided by … Read more

MATLAB Program for finding Error Coefficients

Q. The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by Find error coefficients (a). Kp  (b). Kv  (c). Ka Program % program for calculation of error coefficients % provided by electricalvoice.com clc clear all numg=10 deng=[1 6 10] %step input %calculation of error coefficient kp G=tf(numg, deng) kp=dcgain(G) Ess=1/(1+kp) %ramp input … Read more

MATLAB Program for Determining Time response of Transfer function

Q. Determine the time response for the following transfer function using MATLAB. Answer. First of all simplifying numerator(num) and denominator(den) of the transfer function respectively as num = s+2 den = s2+2s+2 Program % program for Determining Time response of Transfer function % provided by electricalvoice.com clc clear all num=[1 2]; den=[1 2 2]; sys5=tf(num,den) load … Read more

MATLAB Program for finding Poles & Zeroes of Transfer Function

Q. The transfer function of a system is given below Determines the poles and zeroes and show the pole-zero configuration in s-plane using MATLAB. First of all simplifying numerator(p1) and denominator(q1) of the transfer function respectively as p1=8s2+56s+96 q1=s4+4s3+9s2+10s Program % program for finding poles and zeroes of a transfer function % provided by electricalvoice.com clc … Read more