Program to add two 16-bit numbers without Carry

Q. Write an 8085 program and draw a flowchart to add two 16-bit numbers without considering the carry.(8085 Microprocessor Program) Flowchart/Algorithm Program Address Mnemonics Operand Opcode Comments 2000 LHLD 3000H 2A Load H-L pair with 1st operand from 3000H. 2001 00 Lower-order of 3000H. 2002 30 Higher-order of 3000H. 2003 XCHG EB Exchange H-L pair … Read more

Unit, System, Dimensions and Standards

Unit The result of measurement of a physical quantity must be defined both in kind and magnitude. The standard measure of each kind of physical quantity is called a unit. Lets take an example of length. As we know that length is a physical quantity. The metre is a unit of length that represents a definite … Read more