Hydro-Electric Power Station | Advantages & Disadvantages

Definition A generating station which utilizes the potential energy of water at a high level for the generation of electrical energy is known as a hydro-electric power station. Hydro-electric power stations are generally located in hilly areas where dams can be built conveniently and large water reservoirs can be obtained. In a hydro-electric power station, … Read more

Losses in a DC Machines

Q. What is meant by “energy loss” in a machine? Answer. Whole of the input energy to the electrical machine is not converted into useful output energy but a part of the energy is converted into heat and is lost for the useful purpose of the machine. The energy converted into heat is called the … Read more

Electric Braking

Q. What are the requirements of good electric braking? Answer. The requirements of good electric braking are: (i) The braking should be quick and reliable in action. (ii) The braking must be controllable. (iii) Some suitable means must be provided for dissipation of kinetic energy of the moving parts of the motor and its driven … Read more

Tellegen’s Theorem | Applications & Limitations

Tellegen’s Theorem This theorem states that algebraic sum of the power’s in any circuit (linear, non-linear, unidirectional, bi-directional, time-invariant and time-variant elements) at any instant is zero. It was published in 1952 by Bernard Tellegen. For verification of Tellegen’s theorem, KVL and KCL equations are used. Tellegen’s theorem works based on the principle of the law of … Read more

List of Nuclear Power Stations in India

Nuclear power is the fifth -largest source of electricity in India after thermal, hydroelectric and renewable sources of electricity. 1. Gorakhpur Atomic Power Station (under construction) Operator: NPCIL Establishment Date: Location: Fatehabad, Haryana Reactor Units (MW): 4 x 700 MW Installed Capacity (MW): 2. Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant Operator: NPCIL Establishment Date: November 16, 2000 Location: Kaiga, Uttara Kannada, … Read more