31. The purpose of SYNC control in a CRO is to
- Foucus the spot on the screen
- Lock the display of signal
- Set the intensity of spot
- Adjust the amplitude of display
32. The vertical gain control of CRO is set at a deilection sensitivity of 5 V/cm. An unknown sinusoidal is applied to Y-input. A 20 cm long straight line trace is observed, what will the ac voltage be?
- 17.677 V
- 35.35 V
- 100 V
- 70.71 V
33. In CRT, the secondary electons are collected by a conductive coating aquadag which is made up of
- Hydrazine solution
- Zirconium solution
- Graphite solution
- Rubber
34. A Lissajous pattern on an oscilloscope has 5 horizontal tangencies and 2 vertical tangencies. The frequency of the horizontal input is 1000 Hz. What is the frequency of the vertical input?
- 5000 Hz
- 400 Hz
- 2500 Hz
- 4000 Hz
35. The sweep generator of a CRO is used to produce
- sinusoidal voltage for the vertical deflection of electron beam
- saw tooth voltage for the horizontal deflection of electron beam
- saw tooth voltage for the vertical deflection of electron beam
- sinusoidal voltage for the horizontal deflection of electron beam
36. In a CRO, when set for internal trigger
- trigger circuit input will vertical amplifier
- trigger circuit receive input from the horizontal amplifier
- trigger circuit receives input from the horizontal amplifier
- trigger circuit receives input from the vertical amplifier