31. The value of resistances in a potential divider arrangement to convert a basic d’arsonval meter movement with an internal resistance of 100 ohms and a full-scale current of 1 mA to a multi-range DC voltmeter with ranges 0—150 V and 0—300 V are
- 149.5 kΩ, 155.5 kΩ
- 144.9 kΩ,140 kΩ
- 135.5 kΩ, 134 kΩ
- 149.9 kΩ,150 kΩ
32. A PMMC meter has an internal resistance of 200 Ω and the current required for its full scale deflection is 50μA. The meter is capable of measuring on its own a maximum voltage of
- 50 μV
- 10 μV
- 5 mV
- 10 mV
33. Which of the following is not a requirement for a DC ammeter’s shunt?
- High thermal automotive force
- Time-invariant
- Low temperature coefficient
- Carry current without excessive temperature rise
36. A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as ______ by using a low resistance shunt
- Voltmeters
- Ammeters
- Ohmmeters and resistance bridges
- All of these
37. The instrument transformers are normally used to extend the range of
- Induction instruments
- Electrostatic instruments
- Moving iron instruments
- All of these