Gas Insulated Substations Advantages and Disadvantages

Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) differ from Air Insulated Substations (substations we usually see) such that all the substation equipment such as busbars, circuit breakers, current transformer, potential transformers and other substation equipment are placed inside SF6 modules filled with SF6 gas. The SF6 gas which has high dielectric property acts as an insulating medium to … Read more

Mobile Substations | Advantages & Applications

Mobile Substations are emergency power supply substations employed temporarily to provide power supply in the areas affected by the natural disasters such as storms, cyclones and during wars. These substations will have a maximum rating of about 220kV. Mobile Substation typically contains Trailer for the unit, Distribution Transformer, Cooling system for Transformers, Switchgear equipment (relays, … Read more

Transducer and Types of Transducer

A transducer is a device which, when actuated transforms energy from one form to another. Here input quantity is non-electrical quantity. The output quantity may or may not be electrical quantity. When the output quantity is electrical, then transducer is called as Electrical Transducer. An electrical transducer is a device which converts any physical quantity … Read more

Air Insulated or Outdoor Substations | Advantages & Disadvantages

Air Insulated Substation (AIS) or Outdoor Substations have all switchgear equipment, busbars and other switchyard equipment installed outside open to atmosphere. In earlier days for any voltage ratings, AIS or outdoor substation is employed. Indoor Substation type is only employed in places where high pollution or the saline environment exists. Indoor substations are two types … Read more

Properties of Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) gas

Sulfur hexafluoride gas (SF6) properties are given below SF6 gas is Heavy, chemically inert, non-toxic SF6 gas has no poisonous effect on the human body but decomposition products are poisonous SF6 gas is Colourless and odourless It is gaseous at normal room temperature and pressure Density is about 6.6g/l at 20°C (5 times denser than air) … Read more

Methods to Reduce Step Potential & Touch Potential in Substation

Step Potential and Touch Potentials are very important in substations because during ground faults all the ground current returns to the substation transformer (as the substation transformer is grounded). The current that returns through the earth can create a significant voltage gradient along the ground and between ground and conducting objects. A step potential in … Read more

Substation Safety Clearances

Most electrical substations will utilize air-insulated designs, where the live components are exposed. The equipment in the substation must be positioned to maintain adequate spacing between live parts and other substation components, whether grounded or not. Adequate spacing is essential to protect both operating and maintenance staff, minimizing the risk of electrical hazards and preventing … Read more

Creepage Distance for Insulators in Substation

Creepage Distance for Insulators The creepage distance for insulators is the shortest distance along the insulator surface between the metal parts at each end of the insulator. Creepage distance can also be referred as leakage distance for insulators. Insulators in substation are provided to avoid any leakage current from live electrical conductors to flow to … Read more