Applications of Power Electronics

Power electronics is a branch of electrical engineering that deals with the conversion, control, and conditioning of electric power. In short, power electronics find applications in the generation, transmission, distribution, utilization, and control of electric power. There has been extensive use of power electronics in almost every field where electrical energy is involved. The purpose … Read more

Microinverter: Advantages and Disadvantages

A microinverter is an inverter that is used to convert DC power to AC power for a single solar panel. Micro-inverters differ from string inverters in that there is no centralized inverter in solar PV systems based on micro-inverters. An individual micro-inverter is connected to each panel instead. Microinverters have recently become popular in the … Read more

Applications of Inverters | Uses of Inverter

Inverters are a vital component in the power electronics industry. They convert the direct current (DC) power into alternating current (AC) power that can be used to run electrical devices. The applications of inverters are numerous and varied. It is used in industry, military, agriculture, hospitals, transportation, financial markets, lighting, heating, cooling, etc. Inverters find … Read more

Difference between Two-level and Multilevel Inverter

Two-level inverters and multilevel inverters are the types of inverters based on the levels in the output voltage waveform. Multilevel inverters offer superior performance compared to two-level inverters with the same power ratings. The basic difference between two-level and multilevel inverters is that a two-level inverter generates two levels in the output voltage waveform whereas … Read more

Flexible PCB Applications

The printed circuit board, which is commonly referred to as the PCB, is one of the very wonderous elements of modern technology. Printed circuit boards have been playing versatile roles in various power and electrical sectors. They are treated as a significant asset in this modern era of globalization because of their contributions towards technological … Read more

What is Earthing Grid or Earthing Mat? Design and Importance

An earthing grid is made up of a number of rods connected together by copper conductors. Earthing grid is also known as the earthing mat. It looks like a mesh of conductors. The purpose of earthing grid is to reduce the overall grounding resistance. It also helps in limiting the potential gradient. It is a … Read more

What is Electrical Earthing? Types, Objectives and Advantages

Electrical Earthing means connecting non-current-carrying parts of electrical equipment or the supply system’s neutral point to the earth so that electrical energy can be discharged immediately and safely. Earthing is accomplished by connecting installation parts to electrical conductors or electrodes buried in the soil. This contacting arrangement is known as the earthing. In this article, … Read more

Recording Instruments – Examples

Recording instruments are those instruments that record the continuous variation in magnitude of an electrical quantity with respect to time. OR The term recording instrument refers to an instrument that captures data or variations in electrical quantities over time. There are both analog and digital recording instruments available. The instrument is used in environments where … Read more