8085 Microprocessor MCQ

91. The contents of the Program Counter (PC), when the microprocessor is reading from 2FFF H memory location, will be

  1. 2FFE H
  2. 2FFF H
  3. 3000 H
  4. 3001 H

Answer. c

92. If the HLT instruction of an Intel 8085A microprocessor is executed

  1. the microprocessor is disconnected from the system bus till the RESET is pressed.
  2. the microprocessor halts the execution of the program and returns to the monitor.
  3. the microprocessor enters into a HALT state and the buses are tri-stated.
  4. the microprocessor reloads the program counter from the locations 0024 H and 0025 H.

Answer. c

93. The stack pointer of an 8085 A microprocessor contains ABCD H.


At the end of the execution of the above instructions, what would be the content of the stack pointer?

  1. ABCB H
  2. ABCA H
  3. ABC9 H
  4. ABC8 H

Answer. c

94. In an Intel 8085 A, what is the content of the Instruction Register (IR)?

  1. Op-code for the instruction being executed
  2. Operand for the instruction being executed
  3. Op-code for the instruction to be executed next
  4. Operand for the instruction to be executed next

Answer. a

95. The content of the Program Counter of an intel 8085A microprocessor specifies which one of the following?

  1. The address of the instruction being executed
  2. The address of the instruction executed earlier
  3. The address of the next instruction to be executed
  4. The number of instructions executed so far

Answer. c

96. Which one of the following statement does not describe property/characteristic of a stack pointer register in 8085 microprocessor?

  1. It points to the top of the stack.
  2. It is UP/DOWN counter
  3. It is automatically initialized to 0000 H on power-on
  4. It is a 16-bit register

Answer. c

97. Which one of the following instructions is a 3-byte instruction?

  1. MVI A
  2. LDAX B
  3. JMP 2050 H
  4. MOV A,M

Answer. c

98. In 8085, the DAA instruction is used for

  1. Direct Address Accumulator
  2. Double Add Accumulator
  3. Decimal Adjust Accumulator
  4. Direct Access Accumulator

Answer. c

99. When an 8086 executes an INT type instruction, it?

  1. Resets both IF and TF flags
  2. Resets all flags
  3. Sets both IF and TF
  4. Resets the CF and TF

Answer. a

100. When an 8086 executes an INT type instruction, it?

  1. Resets both IF and TF flags
  2. Resets all flags
  3. Sets both IF and TF
  4. Resets the CF and TF

Answer. a