1. In 8085 microprocessor, how many interrupts are maskable.
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five
2. Which stack is used in 8085 microprocessors?
3. In the instruction of the 8085 microprocessor, how many bytes are present?
- One or two
- One, two or three
- One only
- Two or three
4. Which one of the following addressing technique is not used in 8085 microprocessor?
- Register
- Immediate
- Register indirect
- Relative
5. Which one of the following register of 8085 microprocessor is not a part of the programming model?
- Instruction register
- Memory address register
- Status register
- Temporary data register
6. The program counter in 8085 microprocessor is a 16-bit register, because
- It counts 16 bits at a time
- There are 16 address times
- It facilitates the users storing 16-bit data temporarily
- It has to fetch two 8-bit data at a time.
7. A direct memory access (DMA) transfer replies
- Direct transfer of data between memory and accumulator
- Direct transfer of data between memory and I/O devices without the use of microprocessor
- Transfer of data exclusively within microprocessor registers
- A fast transfer of data between microprocessor and I/O devices
8. Handshaking mode of data transfer is
- Synchronous data transfer
- asynchronous data transfer
- interrupt driven data transfer
- level Mode of DMA data transfer
9. In a Microprocessor, the address of the new next instruction to be executed is stored in
- Stack pointer
- address latch
- Program counter
- General purpose register
10. In how many different modes a universal shift register operates?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
11. The insruction RET executes with the following series of machine cycle
- Fetch, read, write
- Fetch, write, write
- Fetch, read, read
- Fetch, read
12. Which one of the following statements is correct regarding the instruction CMP A ?
- compare accumulator with register A
- compare accumulator with memory
- compare accumulator with register H
- This instruction does not exist
13. The instruction JNC 16-bit refers to jump to 16-bit address if ?
- sign flag is set
- carry flag is reset
- zero flag is set
- parity flag is reset
14. Among the given instructions, the one which affects the maximum number of flags is ?
15. XCHG instruction of 8085 exchanges the content of ?
- top of stack with contents of register pair
- BC and DE register pairs
- HL and DE register pairs
- None of the above
16. Direction flag is used with
- string instructions
- stack instructions
- arithmetic instructions
- branch instructions
17. The number of output pins of a 8085 microprocessor are
- 40
- 27
- 21
- 19
18. Following is a 16-bit register for 8085 microprocessor
- Stack pointer
- Accumulator
- Register B
- Register C
19. The register which holds the information about the nature of results of arithmetic of logic operations is called as
- Accumulator
- Condition code register
- Flag register
- Process status registers
20. When referring to instruction words, a mnemonic is
- a short abbreviation for the operand address.
- a short abbreviation for the operation to be performed.
- a short abbreviation for the data word stored at the operand address.
- Shorthand for machine language.