Difference between Multiplexer and Demultiplexer

Digital electronics consists of combinational circuits and sequential circuits. Combinational circuit elements are the ones whose output depends on the present inputs and do not depend on the past inputs. Logic gates, decoder, encoder, etc. are examples of the combinational circuit element. Here, we are going to discuss two of such circuit elements. Multiplexer and … Read more

Difference between Relay and Contactor

There is a lot of confusions and misinterpretations regarding the difference between relay and contactor around the industry as they are two closely related terms. Many times these two terms are used nearly interchangeably. Both of them are electrically operated switches and mainly used for control and switching of loads. Although the basic principle of … Read more

Difference Between Low Pass Filter and High Pass Filter

Filters are a special type of circuit that lets signals having a frequency within a specific range pass through it. The frequency range can have a lower cut-off frequency and no upper cut-off frequency or an upper cut-off frequency and no lower cut-off frequency or both upper cut-off and lower cut-off frequency. Filters can also … Read more

What is Crest factor or Peak factor? Crest factor Formula

Crest factor is defined as the ratio of the peak value (or maximum value) to the RMS value of a waveform. It is denoted by the capital letter ‘C’. It is also known as peak factor. The waveform can be any quantity like current, voltage, etc. Crest factor Formula $\text{Crest factor}=\frac{{A_{peak}}}{{A_{rms}}}$ where, Apeak is the … Read more

What is Form factor? Form factor Formula

Form factor is defined as the ratio of RMS value to the average value of a waveform. The waveform can be quantity like voltage, current, etc. This parameter is generally used in the rectifiers. Form factor Formula $\text{Form factor}=\frac{{A_{rms}}}{{A_{avg}}}$ where, Arms is the rms value of the waveform Aavg is the average value of the … Read more