National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020
- NEMMP aims to achieve national fuel security by promoting hybrid and electric vehicles in country.
- It is the ambitious initiatives undertaken by the Government of India for shifting automotive and transportation industry towards eco-friendly vehicles to promote hybrid and electric vehicles in the country to achieve national fuel security.
- It has set ambitious target of 6-7 million sales of hybrid and electric vehicles year on year from 2020 onwards.
- The 2020 roadmap estimates a cumulative outlay of about Rs.14000 cr. during the span of the National Electric Mobility Mission scheme.
- The scheme has policies such as
- Demand side incentives to facilitate adoption of hybrid and electric vehicles
- Promoting R&D (Research & Development) in technology including battery technology, power electronics, motors, systems integration, battery management system, testing infrastructure, and ensuring industry participation in the same.
- Promoting charging infrastructure
- Supply side incentives
- Encouraging retro-fitment of on-road vehicles with hybrid kit