What is ‘\input’ Command in LaTeX?

The \input command in LaTeX is used to insert the contents of another file at the current location in your main LaTeX file. It’s like copying and pasting the content of the other file directly into your main file, but with the benefit of keeping the code organized and modular. Here’s a guide on how to use the \input command in LaTeX.

Guide to Using ‘\input’ Command in LaTeX

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for the \input command is as follows:


Replace filename with the file name you want to include (without the file extension). LaTeX will then input the contents of that file at the point where the \input command is located.

How it works? When LaTeX encounters the \input command, it stops processing the current file and opens the specified file. It then reads the entire contents of the file and inserts them as if they were written directly at that point in the main file. Finally, LaTeX continues processing the main file.

File Extension

The file specified in the \input command should not include the file extension. LaTeX automatically looks for files with the .tex extension. For example: Suppose you have a file called chapter1.tex containing the content for your first chapter, and you want to include it in your main document (main.tex). You can do this by adding the following line to main.tex:


LaTeX will look for a file named chapter1.tex in the same directory as the main document. This will insert the entire contents of chapter1.tex into main.tex at the point where you added the \input command.

LaTeX: Input Relative Path

If the file you want to include is in a different directory, you can provide the path relative to the main document or use an absolute path. For example:


Nested ‘\input’ Commands

You can use \input commands within the included files, allowing for nested file structures. This can be useful for organizing content into even smaller components.


Consider a main document (main.tex) that includes chapters stored in separate files (chapter1.tex, chapter2.tex, etc.):

% Main file (main.tex)


\title{Welcome to Latextutorial.net}



The LaTeX code for chapter1.tex is as follows.

% chapter1.tex
This is the introduction to my document.

The LaTeX code for chapter2.tex is as follows.

% chapter2.tex
Here, I describe the methods used in my research.

In this example, the main.tex file will first include the contents of chapter1.tex, then the contents of chapter2.tex.

Things to keep in mind

  • The included file should not contain any LaTeX preamble (\documentclass, \usepackage, etc.) as these are already defined in the main document.
  • If the included file contains any macros or definitions, they will be available to the rest of the document.
  • Use \input with caution when including large files, as it can slow down compilation. Consider using the \include command for large files, which offers more options for controlling page breaks and error handling. Check out the difference between ‘\input’ and ‘\include.’


  • Keep filenames simple and avoid spaces or special characters.
  • Use a consistent file-naming convention for easy organization.
  • Include comments in your files to provide context about the content.
  • When compiling your main LaTeX document, ensure that all files are in the correct locations and that there are no typos in the file names or paths.
  • The file you’re inserting should be a valid LaTeX file with the .tex extension.
  • The \input command can be used anywhere in the document body, not just the preamble.
  • You can nest \input commands, meaning you can insert a file that contains another \input command.

Final Words

Using the \input command can significantly improve the organization of your LaTeX projects, making it easier to manage and edit different sections independently.

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