Q. Mason’s gain formula is used to determine the overall gain of the system.
Q. For a system having damping factor zero, the magnitude of the output will be infinite.
Q. A high damping ratio will give a high overshoot.
Q. Two systems having same damping ratio but different ωn will have same overshoot.
Q. Type of the system and order of the system are one and the same thing.
Q. The resonance peak of the system will occur when the system gain is at the critical damping.
Q. Velocity feedback increases the damping ratio without affecting undamped natural frequency of the system.
Q. For a second order system there is a correlation between frequency and transient response.
Q. From the state variable representation of plant, transfer function cannot be determined.
Q. Damping due to back emf is observed in armature controlled dc motor.
Q. Transfer function of a control system depends on initial conditions of input and output.
Q. Transfer function of control system depends on the system parameters alone.
Q. The capacitance is not used to fabricate a lag network.
Q. The range of frequencies ω2 = 10ω1 is called the decade.
Q. The range of frequencies ω2 = 2ω1 is called the octave.