Research Methodology MCQ

101. Characteristics of schedule is

  1. schedule is a form of research instrument
  2. it is not useful for data collection
  3. it is researcher
  4. it is informant
Answer. a

102. NGO or unpublished documents are included

  1. in primary source
  2. in secondary source
  3. data source
  4. in analysis
Answer. b

103. What is not correct for questionnaire?

  1. Questionnaire is a form of instrument
  2. It is meant to collect information
  3. It can be sent by post
  4. No credibility
Answer. d

104. The reliability of the questionnaire depends on

  1. the consultation and support of experts
  2. incomplete information
  3. minimum labor
  4. minimum time
Answer. a

105. Questionnaire is made

  1. for reduced cost
  2. for convenience of study
  3. for objective study
  4. all of the above
Answer. d

106. Purposive Sampling is

  1. a type of sampling
  2. a type of hypothesis
  3. a type of questionnaire
  4. limitation of sampling
Answer. a

107. An example of a historical source is

  1. Document, Inscription
  2. Direct inspection of functional behaviors
  3. Match more than two people
  4. Conversations
Answer. a

108. Which of the following is not correct?

  1. Good research is systematic
  2. Good research is logical
  3. Good research is empirical
  4. Good research should be complicated
Answer. d

109. Which of the following is not a technique of selecting Random Sampling?

  1. Lottery Technique
  2. Card Technique
  3. Sequential List Technique
  4. Inclusive method
Answer. d

110. The importance of good sampling is

  1. saving labor
  2. saving money
  3. saving time
  4. saving time, labor and money
Answer. d