Difference between Valence band and Conduction band

Valence band and conduction band are two different types of energy levels that are separated by some amount of energy. The basic difference between conduction band and valence band is that in the conduction band the electrons which take part in the process of conduction exists while in the valence band the electrons are present … Read more

Difference between Diode and Transistor

In electronics, based on the direction of current flow, the elements or the components can be classified into two categories – bilateral and unilateral. The element that lets current pass through it in both directions i.e., the current does not depend on the polarity of the applied voltage, is called a bilateral element; for example … Read more

Difference between Earthing and Grounding

Earthing and grounding are two popular electrical terms used in daily lives. Every house that contains an electricity connection is familiar with these two terms. For the safety of humans and house wiring, grounding and earthing are used. Let’s see what is the difference between earthing and grounding. Difference between Earthing and Grounding in tabular … Read more

Difference Between Arduino and Raspberry Pi

In different projects related to electrical, electronics, computer science, and robotics engineering, sometimes, we need a module that is common to many projects, for example – a USB interface with a microcontroller, bootloader program of microcontroller, low-efficient and cheap computers for servers or other general-purpose usages, etc. This is why many engineers and hobbyists prefer … Read more

Difference between Conductor, Semiconductor and Insulator

Materials can be classified into three main categories on the basis of their electrical conductivity: conductors, semiconductors, and insulators. Conductors are the materials that easily allow the flow of electric current through them. Semiconductor materials have electrical conductivity between the conductors and the insulators. While insulators do not conduct electric current at all. Conductors, semiconductors, … Read more

Difference between P type and N type Semiconductor

The semiconductor materials are classified as intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. The intrinsic semiconductors are not classified further while extrinsic semiconductors can be further classified as n-type or p-type semiconductors on the basis of the nature of doping. If the impurity added to the intrinsic semiconductor is of group V then the semiconductor thus formed is … Read more