When you read about circuits, you must come across terms analog and digital. Generally, electronic circuits can be analog circuits or digital circuits. Digital electronics involves quantities with discrete values, & analog electronics involves quantities with continuous values. Let see the definition of the terms analog and digital.
Analog quantity
The quantity that has continuous values is called as the analog quantity.
Examples of analog quantities are time, temperature, pressure, distance, and sound. The following continuous curve showing temperature variation throughout the day. So temperature is an analog quantity.
Digital quantity
The quantity that has a discrete set of values is called as the digital quantity. It is represented by 1 or o.
Advantages of Digital Representation over Analog Representation
- Digital data can be processed and transmitted more efficiently and reliably than analog data.
- They are advantageous when processing and transmitting the data.
- It can store huge amount of data at lesser space and with least chances of errors.
- Digital data can be easily stored and reproduced with greater accuracy and clarity.
- Noise does not affect digital data as compared to analog signals.
mention is there any physical quantity as digital quantity
There is No , physical quantity as digital quantity
Digital quantities are:
1_trafic signals
2_electric clock etc