Q. One ampere means the flow of one coulomb each second.
Q. Ampere-second could be the unit of charge.
Q. 1 coulomb charge is equal to 6.25 x 1018 electrons.
Q. The charge Q flow through a conductor carrying current of I amperes for t seconds is equal to I/t coulombs.
Q. Voltage applied across a circuit, acts as a force.
Q. Volt is a form of potential energy.
Q. The ratio of voltage and electric current in a closed circuit remain constant.
Q. A linear resistor is one which obeys Ampere’s law.
Q. The lower the resistivity, greater the resistance.
Q. Specific resistance is measured in Ω/m3
Q. The reciprocal of resistivity of a material is called its conductivity.
Q. The resistance of wires varies inversely as length.
Q. The resistance of a conductor increases at its cross-sectional area decreases.
Q. The substances having a large number of free electrons and offering low resistance are called the insulators.
Q. With the rise in temperature the insulating property of an insulator gains.
Q. The specific resistance of copper increases with the increase in temperature.
Q. The values of temperature coefficient of resistance of a given conductor are the same at different temperatures.
Q. Power rating of a resistor largely depends on the physical size of the resistor.
Q. The voltage drop across each resistor is same in case of a series circuit.
Q. The heating effect of electric current is always desirable.
Q. Two heater coils of same material are connected in parallel across the supply. Coil A has diameter and length double that of coil B. Coil B will produce more heat.
Q. Resistance of a tungsten filament lamp decreases with the increase in supply voltage.
Q. If two lamps of 100 W and 40 W are connected in series across 230 V ac supply, 100 W lamp will glow brighter.
Q. When a resistance element of a heater gets fused, we remove a portion of it and reconnect it to the same supply. The power drawn by the heater will decrease.
Q. An ideal voltage source should have zero internal resistance
Q. Any practical voltage source can be converted into a practical current source and vice versa.
Q. Constant voltage source is active and bilateral.
Q. Two ideal voltage sources of unequal output voltages cannot be placed in parallel.
Q. A resistance is connected to a practical source. The current through this resistance can be determined only by representing the source as a current source.
Q. Solution of an electric circuit will give the same result whether the source is treated as a voltage source or a current source.
Q. In a practical voltage source, the source impedance is very large in comparison to load resistance.
Q. For a graph with n nodes, every Tree has (n – 1) branches.
Q. The response of a circuit is time-variant if given signal x(t) and response y(t) when the signal is x(t – T) the response is y(t-T).
Q. The number of possible ordered trees with three nodes ABC is 6.
Q. A network has 4 nodes and 3 independent loops. The number of branches in the network will be 5.
Q. Principle of homogeneity shows linear circuit.
Q. According to Kirchhoff s voltage law, at any junction of an electrical network, the sum of incoming currents is equal to sum of outgoing Currents.
Q. Superposition theorem is not applicable to a network containing time varying resistors.
Q. Thevenin’s theorem is quite useful when the current in one branch of a network is to be determined or when the current in an added branch is to be determined.
Q. There is no relation between Thevenin’s theorem and Norton’s theorem.
Q. Norton’s equivalent resistance is the same as Thevenin’s equivalent resistance.
Q. The load is connected in parallel to the Norton’s equivalent resistance and Norton’s equivalent current source.
Q. Maximum power transfer theorem is particularly useful for analysing communication networks.
Q. For maximum transfer of power, internal resistance of the source should be equal to the resistance of the load.
Q. In reciprocity theorem voltage and current remain same in all parts of the networks.
Q. Tellegen’s theorem is applicable to both linear and nonlinear networks.
Q. Millman’s theorem yields equivalent voltage or current source.
Q. Three equal resistances are connected in star. If this star is converted into equivalent delta, the resistances of both the networks will be equal.
Q. A reciprocal two-port network is symmetrical of z11 = z22.
Q. A, B, C and D represent the transmission parameters of a two-port network. The network will be reciprocal if AD – BC = 0.