Is Ceramic Microwave Safe?

Microwaves have changed the ways of cooking drastically ever since their invention. They are easy to use, fast, and especially convenient when there is less food.

However, there are always concerns regarding what type of material to use in a microwave to avoid damage. As many suggest that stainless steel or metals are the worst materials against microwaves, we come to another popular material, ceramic. Ceramic dishes and other utensils are traditional materials that every household kitchen owns. So, what about those?

Is ceramic microwave safe?

Yes, ceramic is one of the most common types of material that people use when it concerns microwaving food. They are less fragile than other materials like glass and can effectively hold heat and cook food. However, it is important to check and look for microwave-safe symbols imprinted on them. It is because some ceramic dishes might not be as compatible as others.

So, most ceramic dishes are indeed compatible with microwaves. And if you are wondering how and why let us discuss below in detail to get your answers.

Ceramic dishes in a microwave

Whenever we talk about materials to put in a microwave, plastic, glass, and ceramic are always at the top. Almost all ceramic dishes are said to be microwave-safe and less prone to any heat damage. But before going into detail, let us try to understand what ceramic exactly is.

Ceramic is basically a form of hardened clay. They are made with a similar process to pottery with clay after molding and forming it. They include different kinds of ingredients like earthenware, porcelain, bricks, etc. And once the clay is molded and formed, in order to harden it, they are set on intense heat. That makes them an extremely durable and enduring material.

Ceramic dishes and plates have been the most traditional materials used in a kitchen. And to date, we see various kinds of ceramic products such as dishes, mugs, vases, etc., in every household.

So, when it comes to microwaving, they are considered amongst the best because their structure is hard, and even though breakable, they are less fragile than other materials like glass and have higher heat resistance.

However, it is always more convenient to check for microwave-safe symbols. Every microwave-safe product needs to have a microwave-safe label or symbol to ensure its safety. Nevertheless, even without safe symbols, most ceramic dishes are highly compatible with microwaves.

But there may be some exception

Always check if there is any metal lining in the ceramic product. Many ceramic dishes and bowls come with metal lining on the edges for decoration purposes. Since metals are the worst material for microwaves, ceramic plates and mugs with metal linings will provide the same disastrous result. Therefore, prevent from using one.

Another important point about ceramics is that, although most are microwave-safe, heat them at low temperatures. Because some may be prone to breaking and shattering, and ceramics usually become extremely hot to handle.

Therefore, always be careful with ceramic utensils. They may be the best material to put in a microwave, but precautions are always mandatory.

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