How Long Do Microwaves Last?

Evers since their invention, microwaves have been creating magic in every kitchen. There is hardly any house in today’s world that does not have a microwave. They are the easiest and most reliable machine that satisfies every owner’s needs. However, just owning a microwave does not do the work. How long will a microwave serve its magic provides the validation to them.

So, how long do microwaves last?

Microwaves usually have a longer life span of around 7-8 years as compared to other kitchen appliances. But that would completely depend on its usage and care. For instance, if a microwave is used for general purposes, it would last for around 7-8 years. But if they are used regularly for heavy purposes, it would last for 5 years. However, if your microwave is rarely used, it can serve at least 2-3 years more than usual.

Life span of a microwave

Whenever it comes to kitchen appliances, the longevity factor will always be a major concern. No one would want to spend a lot of money on something only to have it damaged after a year or two. The same goes for microwaves.

Microwaves are not very expensive, but they are still costlier than usual kitchen appliances. Therefore, it is a need for them to run for a period long enough to provide satisfaction.

And as mentioned earlier, microwaves do have a better life span than others in general. However, three factors determine how long they would exactly last. They are

Normal use

If a microwave is used by an average-sized family for normal purposes and has good maintenance, it would last for around 7-8 years. By normal use, we mean reheating leftovers, not daily but frequent use, well maintained with proper cleaning, etc.

Heavy use

If a microwave is used for heavy purposes by a large family, it would possibly last for around 4-5 years only. By heavy use, we mean regular use, used for cooking with low maintenance and no timely repair.

Infrequent use

If a microwave is used very rarely and for normal purposes, they have a high chance of lasting additional 2-3 years from the general life span, that is around 10 years. Infrequent use will keep the machine maintained and damage-free. Hence, they last longer.

So, whenever we talk about the longevity of a microwave, it will solely depend on its usage. It is a basic idea that proper maintenance and use will always make the microwave last longer.

How to make a microwave last longer?

To make a microwave last longer despite the kind of usage, you need to follow the following steps.

  • Always clean up spills from any food as soon as possible. Do not let them stick around for minutes.
  • Grease builds up in microwaves very often when put to use. Remember to clean them up periodically with warm water.
  • As we all know, not all materials suit microwaves. Therefore, make sure you are always using a microwave-safe object. And also, never run a microwave empty.

These points will allow the owner to enjoy their microwave services for a period longer than usual.

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