BTU/hr to kW Conversion
KW to BTU/hr Conversionplay_arrow
How to convert BTU/hr to Kilowatts?

We can convert BTU/hr to Kilowatts using the following formula.


Where, P(KW) is power in Kilowatts and P(BTU/hr) is BTU/hr.

BTU/hr to Kilowatts conversion chart

The following table shows the BTU/hr to Kilowatts conversion chart.

BTU/hr Kilowatts
1000 0.2930710387
2000 0.5861420773
3000 0.879213116
4000 1.172284155
5000 1.465355193
6000 1.758426232
7000 2.051497271
8000 2.344568309
9000 2.637639348
10000 2.930710387